

I’m currently in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, though I lived for most of my life in New Jersey, and I plan to return there. I also very briefly lived in Florida for two years while a relative was ill.

I joined AODA in 2012 or 2013, but in that time, I’ve been most active in the first few years, and in the last few. I’ve always been solitary in AODA, but I’m hoping to get more involved in community. In 2023, I joined the GCC, and I hope to eventually become a monk in the GCCM.

Other religious and magical groups I’m involved with are Reclaiming Witchcraft, Unitarian Universalism, and sometimes Hellenion. I was a member of ADF for many years, and I eventually let my membership there lapse. I’ll almost certainly rejoin at some point, but ADF-style Druidry just hasn’t been as good of a fit for me as AODA has been. I know many people do both, but that just requires more energy than I currently have. I was also briefly a member of The Troth.

As a solitary practitioner, I practice polytheism, ancestor veneration, witchcraft, Druidry, and I’m a landworker.

I really appreciate tarot, and am working to get better at reading it. I have more decks than I need, but there are still so many that I want. I also love to read. I read on wide variety of subjects and genres, but some of my favorites are: fantasy, poetry, nature writing, mythology, history, religion, and some memoir. I have a particular interest in reading about LGBTQUIA+ and Disability studies. I also love music and listen to a wide variety of genres in music, as well, but my favorites are baroque and many styles of rock. I used to play bass guitar and, many years ago, flute. I also knit, love animals, and enjoy playing table top role-playing games. When I had less chronic illnesses to deal with, I really enjoyed hiking, camping, swimming, and amateur carpentry.