Hello everyone!
I am a Southern California native with a midwestern twist, an Alaskan heart, and a love for dogs, trees, books and all things learning. I currently reside in Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA with my husband and kiddo. I began my path mid-covid time, looking at questioning all I had grown up with and I landed in Gaulish polytheism/druidry. I started OBOD about a year ago under the Bardic Grade, do meet with a local grove occasionally but it was fully fitting my journey, so I looked into AODA. Kinda wished I had looked sooner lol. But I so glad I did because I think it was more in line with what I was seeking.So now I am doing both journeys, learning so many good things. My practice has a “water in the desert” focus along with the california mediterranean climate with oaks trees, no seasons and random collection of weather.
my journey site: https://sepanbritouesaiduetni.wordpress.com
I have a day job unrelated to the mix, trying to change careers into instructional design and technology. I also read a lot, love my dog/dogs, frequent Disneyland nearby (working on structuring this in a healthy manner because it is a coping mechanism) but want to get involved in helping/growing the land that has just been urban-bruised heavily here. Hopefully we can still keep the earth growing.