Sorry, it took a couple of days to get back on here. We’ve had a bit going on over here lol
Thank you and I didn’t want to write a book, but I believe there are so many different types of beings that we’ve not even begun to see the universe. I don’t even think there are ways we can imagine the kind of beings that exist out there. I always loved Star Trek, Farscape, Firefly, Star Wars, Stargate, and other science fiction relating to interstellar and universal travel for their creativity in creating various alien beings. I think some might even have been from Earth and were taken somewhere else. Maybe some people here on Earth started somewhere else and were brought here. I even briefly subscribed to the notion that we are one giant penal colony left here millennia ago by various alien races getting rid of the worst they had on their planets. I’ve had many ideas.
Another thing I considered was how old different alien races are. It is presumed that if an alien could make it here, they existed long before we did. I don’t think that is necessarily the case. What happens if an advanced alien species decides to interfere in a planet’s scientific advancement and give them the tools and knowledge we didn’t have to get where they are? Perhaps their physiology is so different that they don’t think or act like we do, which makes them perfect candidates for these advancements.
I love reading the ancient texts myself. I used to make a lot of assumptions because of those writings, as well as cave drawings and so much more. One thing I have discovered over the last decade is that things can be so very different than our own perception. What was written here is by someone’s perception of events and writing in a way that humanity can understand. It doesn’t necessarily make it true in the honest sense, just in the only sense and perception they had in those days. They might not have understood the truth. Heck, today we might not understand the truth and perhaps alien species know this.
As for whether or not they would conquer us, want this planet, or otherwise … makes very little difference. Perhaps those who would want to enslave us haven’t made it here yet. Perhaps those who would want to have Earth for themselves haven’t made it here yet either. We don’t know which aliens have been here and which haven’t, though there is lots of evidence of certain aliens that already exist, plus reports, such as yourself, of those who were abducted. I was never abducted, but I believe I have been visited more than once, especially when I was a child. Those stories are for another day though.
I think if any aliens had visited Earth and thought us worthy of working with us, they wouldn’t be such a secret and we’d see the evidence of their advanced technologies by now. I believe most would be cautious, if nothing else because they know they have abducted others, why wouldn’t humans do the same if given the opportunity? I would love to go away with aliens, but I wouldn’t have anything to contribute that would be advanced and so I think it would never happen. Besides, I have a different belief than most when it comes to an afterlife, and so I’m not worried about leaving now as I believe I’ll see the ALL once I’m no longer tethered to this body. I know I’ve already had certain experiences when I died and during illness, as well as meditation. I’m confident in my beliefs because of my experience.
I agree with you that anyone who has visited wouldn’t just act hastily without an idea of what the outcome would be. I wouldn’t necessarily think that we were beneath them in any way, just different. After all, I have friends who are doctors and nurses, but they would still go and enjoy watching some of my other friends who are musicians play in their bands on the weekends. Every being has something to offer, whether they do or not. A person is who scientifically minded and has tons of knowledge regarding advanced technology for our people isn’t any better or worth more than a street performer who brings joy and light into others’ lives. This is why I’ve always held the belief that if an alien species had shown their face here, I wouldn’t automatically assume that just because they’re more technologically advanced than us wouldn’t make them better than us.
A crew would have to each be able to work independently for sure, but they would also have to know how to work together. A crew that cannot work with each other is as no good as a crew that doesn’t know how to do their own jobs without oversight. I believe the fact that these crews would exist would mean they were selected for their service. They are known to be able to do their jobs independently, but also be able to work together as one unit. I would also believe they were selected because they would be less likely to cause a mutiny or become insubordinate. I can also surmise that they would have some kind of hierarchical arrangement, like we do. The military may have stringent entrance requirements for Special Forces, but they also make sure that the soldiers can take orders and follow them. They wouldn’t want to give so much power to people they think would overthrow the military or government hierarchy. They do have more responsibility. They do jobs that others cannot do. They often must do jobs that civilians would consider to be evil too. I don’t envy their job for sure. Aliens visiting here wouldn’t have the same trust of our people as we do and vice versa. It would take time to build that trust. After all, look at each of us and how little we seem to trust our own, let alone someone who is made differently than we are, thinks differently than we do, and acts accordingly. I don’t think relations with aliens would be easy for most of this world, but I could be underestimating the trustworthiness of humanity.
I also think that those entering into high-risk and high-responsibility type roles were all babysat at some point. They would have to be trained for what they are doing. Whether it’s the human way and learning with books, teachers, and shadowing others who already know the job, or perhaps with some kind of piece of alien technology that allows people to learn through that tech, someone still oversees that training. I see people and aliens with potential. They have the POTENTIAL for this or that. It’s POSSIBLE they might be able to do this or that. I also couldn’t assume that because someone flies a craft they aren’t idiots in other ways. It reminds of me Firefly. If you have ever seen that show, Jane was great in combat, but completely untrustworthy and usually an idiot.
At the end of the day, aliens could be like the Borg, the Cardassians, the Dominion, the Gorn, and Species 8472, or they could be like the Douwd, the Organians, the Halkans, the Mizarians, the Ba’ku, and even the Risans. We will not know until we encounter them. Having advanced technologies doesn’t guarantee enlightenment. For all of our advancements in technology, we (as a species of humans) sure don’t care what we do to this planet or each other. Improvement in technology hasn’t improved humanity overall. Maybe one day it will. I see a lot of good in humanity, but I see just as much that is bad. We keep making the same mistakes despite our technological advancement. I believe other alien species could be the same. I know some might be the opposite. They could and probably will be as different as we are from each other.
As for the mess some people create, if they can fix it, I’ll let them fix it themselves. That is the best way to learn. If they cannot do it themselves, I will try to help, if nothing else but for the life of all those around them. If it doesn’t work, then I move on. It’s hard to see people fall when you know they have the potential to do so much better. As bad as it is here, I can imagine it’s just as bad, maybe even worse for other alien species on their planets. I’m reminded of various shows where aliens on their own planets fought with themselves so much that they literally were destroying their own planet. SG1 had that happen plenty of times and I believe that to be entirely possible. At any rate, we are not alone. I wish running into aliens was a normal thing and not something to be feared or even looked forward to. It’s just wishful thinking though. If we had anything aliens really wanted, we would be there already.
The fact that aliens could see our warmongering and our advancement in technology over the last century might be the very reason they would want to interfere. Maybe they would perceive us as a growing threat. If you saw humanity and its advancements in such a short period, perhaps know about all those projects that the general public knows nothing about, maybe you’d worry too and want to interfere or even prevent a warring species from being able to advance to the point where they would want to take over alien worlds. After all, we cannot even stop people from warring here to take over land that belonged to other people in the name of “progress”. I think it would be perfectly reasonable for an alien species to keep close tabs on humanity and do whatever it takes to keep us from being able to get that far, at least until we’re able to deal with our need for greed and power. The Middle East is one perfect example of a neverending war. Perhaps that is why one alien was hostile towards you and another was sympathetic and saved you. One saw how evil humanity was and saw them as a potential future threat while another saw the potential. It’s like the two-party system here … got people on both sides. Aliens, I would think, might have similar thoughts, feelings, and experiences that pattern their behavior towards other alien species.
My near-death experience gave me a different insight than what I had as a child. My visitations were informative too. I love the fact I have no questions about what happens when I die and where I’ll be when that happens. I believe many people have been abducted. I don’t believe everyone who claims to have been has been, but I also believe some people have been and never said a word, or don’t remember it. I watch all the shows about UAPs and UFOs. I love hearing all people’s perspectives and experiences. I love reading and watching shows about NDEs too. If anyone would believe you had been abducted, it would be me lol 
Such a great conversation. I just hope my unfortunately timing didn’t put you off it