A wonderful sign :)

So i have always included my children in my practice and i wouldnt have it any other way. Since joing the AODA my 8 yo Kisa has been extremely interested.
We have always done nature things seeing as how those are also my best memories of my father. Point of the story is i suddenly saw her climbing a tree one handed so i run over and see whats up n grab her and she has a baby dove in her hand she found on the ground! So i held him a bit we found the nest and i got the ladder and i went to put him back and mamma was home with another egg :slight_smile: she watched me as i showed her her baby and she hopped to the next branch and watched as i put him home :slight_smile: so today my young nature spiritualist to be saved a life and mamma knew what was happening :slight_smile: i take that as an amazing sign of her and I’s path together in nature! Just wanted to share this with my new kin here :slight_smile: much love you guys.

May the wind be at your back brothers and sisters


By now, I’m sure that baby dove is well on its way into the world thanks to you and your daughter. What a gift! To both families. Well done. Cheers