Druid Peace Workshop - Tonight, Feb 27th at 8:30pm EST!

Hi everyone,
I just want to remind you about our peace workshop tonight! I hope to see many of you there :).

Building Peace with the Earth: A Druid Path to Peace
February 27th, 8:30pm-10pm EST*
With AODA Apprentice and GCC Deacon FearnDamh

The Celtic people have a long history of peace, perhaps not with each other, but with the Earth Explore the symbiotic relationship between humans and the earth, and how that relationship is a foundation for building peace within and without. Join druids from around the world for a warm cup of tea to build peace within ourselves and with the Earth.
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Am I correct that this is EST? Thank you!

Yes, EST! Sorry for not having that above.

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Thank you again for the excellent discussion ( we are stilling waiting for better internet out here in the woods where I live so I kept dropping off and did not want to be disruptive). I had asked the question/commented about the fear our community, country and world is experiencing. I believe if we can find a way to come together through the fear to a place of friendship and collaboration, peace can then be the next step. Especially for our planet, but also our neighborhoods. I really liked the idea of using the ‘Nearby Neighborhood’ social media groups and I am going to try that. Great idea of things we can do locally. Laura


This looks like such a lovely way to communicate!


This is what we’re talking about, right? My apologies that I wasn’t able to attend last night. I had intention to, but I was watching the crows fly to roost, enchanted by the evening sky, and listening to the sounds of near Spring bird song. I got lost in time :wink:


Yes, its a great idea. I used to be on a group near my house but I dropped off about a year ago when some posts were disturbing. I have come to realize that while it was disturbing to me (a very detailed aggressive description killing a cougar someone had hunted with graphic photos) it does no good to disengage. In the case above I am not against hunting, I live out in the country and we have to be really careful of cougars and bears and critters. It was the graphic details and ‘glee’ the person had in killing with no reverence for life and posting it all. I am going to think on this and how to re-engage.


Yikes! This is very disrespectful, and I’m sorry you had to see this. Those photos and story would break my heart. Who needs that? What Good does it serve to display just to shock and offend others in that way? What emotions were they trying to create? Probably not a cohesive or connected one. Time and place. Time and place. It’s simply about respect for others.


Yes, defining boundaries is so critical in all work, especially close contact groups like neighborhoods. Sometimes one must simply take a step back and think about things. Sometimes when I come back to a media of communication I find the problem has gone away. New rules are in place. Other times I come back and the problem feeling still exists. I tried Facebook several times and each time it just felt like an unhealthy place to my psyche. Others have no problem with it, and feel it adds to their day. Personally, I simply can’t have a relationship with it. Period. It’s not really “cancel culture”, but defining some boundaries permanently or until change is made, while defining others over time, and having a healthy relationship with the media. TV and I also have not really gotten along, for example. I have no taste for advertising or mental manipulations.


I know it has been a while since this workshop took place, but I wanted to ask whether there was any document created afterward that summarized the workshop’s information about peace in Druidry?