Healing for East Palestine, Ohio

Our first nomination was for the terrible chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio. This thread is for research, brainstorming, and divinations on how to best support this land in its healing.

Please post anything that will help us understand the area and the crisis it faces: pictures, articles, your own connection to the area. Do we have any members who live near this land?

Are there any traditional or modern custodians of this land who are already working on this healing? If possible I’d like to work in a synergistic way.

This is also a call for diviners: use any system you like, and please post your question, the raw results, and your interpretation.


The chemicals that spilled were:

  1. Vinyl Chloride, which is used in making PVC. This was the main chemical that spilled from the derailment.
  2. Butyl Acrylate is used to make various plastics, polymers, coatings, and resins.
  3. Ethylene Glycol is used in inks, paint, hydraulic brake fluids, and antifreeze.
  4. Ethylhexyl Acrylate, which is another one that is used in making plastics and polymers.

So far, they have not stated this spill’s long-term effects, making it hard to do anything to mitigate the possible damages.

They have an ongoing cleanup to remove the soil and water contamination. People are not trusting the government agency, the EPA, and they aren’t trusting a company like Norfolk Southern either, so the testing that is being done isn’t enough to satisfy them that they’re safe. Maybe there needs to be a third party testing these samples to assure people whether or not the water and soil will cause even more long-term issues.

According to EPA, the cleanup is nearly finished at the track area. Once they finish there, they move to other sites impacted by the derailment, such as the wreckage yards and the north and south ditches. They removed over 19 million gallons of liquid wastewater and have excavated more than 14,400 tons of soil awaiting removal. They have already removed 51,000 tons of soil so far.

According to the East Palestine Municipal Water System, there are no more indications of contamination in the drinking water. Sentinel and monitoring well sampling show no sign that chemicals associated with the derailment are moving toward the well fields.

They are erecting a temporary treatment plant for stormwater so it doesn’t come in contact with the derailment site. The water in contact with the derailment site was pumped into tanks and hauled away for disposal. This is only to treat water that is collected from the response site, not for water from other areas. Once it’s done, they will remove the equipment.

With private well testing, they submitted a total of 443 samples. Three hundred forty-two samples showed no detectable contaminates, and 99 detected trace levels below safe drinking-water standards. There was no evidence that any of the tested wells were contaminated with any of the chemicals from the spill. Only two wells have exceeded what they consider “safe” standards. One was from disinfection byproducts, and the other was for dinitrotoluene, unrelated to the derailment. Both wells were later re-sampled, and neither contained any further detections.

Here is a link that they use to post any updates on the progress of cleaning up the area Ohio Emergency Management Agency

In summation of the latest results, plant life near the site shows no signs of contamination from the spill. I got the numbers above, updated since the last installment on the emergency management site, through their Columbus local news agency. They are making progress daily.

Also, this is a link to another site discussing how Norfolk Southern opened a new Family Assistance Center in East Palestine. Family Assistance Center

Another bit of information is how the people gather together and create a list of demands. They are demanding relocation for those who want it that would be paid for by the government and Norfolk Southern. They want the ability to hire independent scientists to complete all testing on water, well, and soil. They also demand that Norfolk Southern pay for all medical testing and long-term care for those that are or will get sick from the fallout. The community wants the waste to be removed from the community rather than kept in it, and I’m not sure how they would get rid of it without it going through other communities that don’t need the exposure. Community Demands

East Palestine first responders have now received hazmat training at Bergen County Police and Fire Academy. Hazmat Training

The National Transportation and Safety Board will conduct a hearing on June 22nd and June 23rd regarding Norfolk Southern’s derailment and subsequent hazardous material release and fires. Hearing

Norfolk Southern will renovate and donate their East Palestine Train Depot for the community to use as they see fit. Train Depot

This is the current EPA link for progress made in East Palestine for those who wish to see what they have to say versus what Norfolk Southern or other East Palestine institutions are saying. EPA on East Palestine progress

I figured knowing what was going on, their progress, and plans for the near future might be a good start. I tried to collect all the data I could and put it here. I am waiting to hear back from someone who lives there so that I may add another comment or two soon.


This is a fantastic presentation of the background for all of us. I didn’t know that much about it to begin with.

Having the context for what is going on and what kinds of efforts are already underway can help us target our energetic efforts in synergy with what’s happening on a material level.


@HeatherMac, the train that derailed passed through Decatur before getting further east. Is there a way to find out the exact route this train took? It passed near or through so many communities.

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Here is a link to a Pro Publica article that discusses why train accidents are increasing:

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Here’s the link. Had to switch to computer to make this paste …


I did not know about the train going through our city. I looked it up online but could only find a picture showing the route with no names. It does look like it went through Decatur though. It is sad that there is so many problems going on with trains. You can zoom in on the picture and see how it went right straight through the middle.


Thank you for that map. And it was just one train…

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There are a lot of train derailments. I know the East Palestine train was just one, but it was the second time they had a derailment in a short period of time. There have been a number of these train derailments, but not many have spilled chemicals like that. They estimate at least 1,000 derailments per year sadly. We’re just fortunate that not all of them are carrying something that could kill everything off within miles of the derailment. They seem to want to keep train paths quiet and I’m beginning to understand why.

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IIRC, burning the vinyl chloride after the derailment affected the health of people in East Palestine and other downwind locations, at least in the short term. Whatever got into the air would not have been easy to mitigate.


What a tremendous list! Thanks so much for gathering these together in such an organized fashion!

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This morning in Earth Island Journal, I read an amazing article called “Living Smoke.” Scientists are now beginning to study how wildfires send living cells from plants and fungi into the air. These often beneficial microbes travel the air currents to eventually land far from home. Exactly how the Visitors bring healing or energy to a new area is not scientifically understood. Sounds like information this group might use: Wildfire Smoke is Alive with Microbes