Hi Everyone,
I’m very sorry to share that Sara Greer, Archdruid of Water Emeritus, has passed. Sara served as our Archdruid of Water from when the order was brought back from near extinction in 2003 until 2015, and for over a decade, she was one of the foundations upon which AODA grew and flourished.
I want to take some time to share about Sara Greer. See, many of you (almost 2000 of you) joined after Sara and John Michael stepped out of being active Archdruids and moved into their Emeritus roles. But for those of us who have been around longer, Sara was the person you interacted with–she was the backbone of the order and handled everything from finances to email questions to membership processing to mentoring people in GCC. Most of us who were part of AODA anytime before 2015 had frequent communication with her about any number of things. When I stepped into the Archdruid of Air role in 2015, she passed her duties onto me–and her folder contained not one, but six sets of different instructions, showing just how much she did for AODA.
It is sufficient to say that the AODA would not exist today without her.
Not only because of everything that she did for all of us, but also because many of us who are currently in AODA leadership were mentored and supported by her. I certainly count myself among this group.
Sara was a very dear friend and mentor to me for many years. She was both kind and generous but also tough as nails, and always saw through any bullshit. She was one of the best spirit workers and priestesses I have ever known. Her knowledge of druidry, herbalism, the occult, music, the arts, spinning, fiber arts, needlework, literature, soapmaking, food and nutrition, history and many other things was vast, and it was always fascinating to talk with her. Especially when they still lived in Cumberland, I used to visit Sara and JMG a few times a year, and we would talk about any range of subjects late into the night.
One of my favorite things she ever gave me was an Apothecary Rose (Rosa gallica). I will share a story about this rose, because I think it illustrates a lot about Sara. Apothecary rose is an extremely magical and medicinal rose with a rich history. Rosa Gallica is one of the first cultivated rose species–used extensively by the Ancient Greeks and Romans, and later, considered to be the finest medicinal rose in the world. Sara’s Apothecary Rose took up a full third of the back wall of the Greer’s garden: with wicked thorns and simple pink flowers, and many the rose canes spread out further every year I visited. When she was getting ready to move to Rhode Island, she gave me part of that rose plant for our garden. Apothecary Rose is wonderfully fragrant and yet very straightforward–no ornate or showy spirals, just two rows of pink petals. And yet, this rose makes the best rose water, the best rose oil, and the best rose tea. Sara’s rose plant took root in the herb garden, and now that rose takes up a full third of a large bed. As Apothecary Rose has quickly spread, I have shared this rose plant with other friends and herbalists–now Sara’s rose is growing in many gardens.
Sara was a lot like that rose. Tough and uncompromising and yet incredibly nurturing, supportive, and kind. Sara’s teachings and influence spread a lot like the rose plant–now growing many people’s gardens, continuing to share good medicine.
You can read JMG’s beautiful words about Sara here: A Life Remembered – Ecosophia
Edited to add: I’ve also written more detail about Sara on my blog, which you can read here: https://thedruidsgarden.com/2024/02/25/honoring-a-mentor-and-friend/
Here is one of my favorite photos of Sara: