I am organizing a targeted land healing ritual for each month that doesn’t already have an Order-wide ritual, beginning after the Summer Solstice. I have in mind a lunar schedule, with the ritual placed in the week leading up to the full moon and a debriefing Zoom call afterwards. I also want to experiment with synchronous online rituals.
July’s full moon falls very quickly after Solstice, so let’s start with the full moon of August 1.
Ritual: Last week of July
Zoom call: August 3rd 7:30pm Central
Online Ritual: Last week of August, precise scheduling to be worked out with participants.
September is the Fall Equinox Order-wide ritual.
Ritual: Last week of October
Zoom call: November 2nd 7:30pm Central
Ritual: November 20-27th
Zoom call: November 30 7:30pm Central
December is the Winter Solstice Order-wide ritual.
I’m going to add one more call at the beginning so we can talk over our plans for the initial ritual. Let’s set that for July 13th at 7:30 central time.
This effort is such a lovely idea. Thank you so much for organizing. I already have something else scheduled for 7/13. If someone is willing to take some short notes at the call and post them after, that’d be swell!
I am adding a meeting to the schedule for October 5 at 7:30 Central so that we have some time to discuss our experiences of the Equinox land healing and to plan and prepare for the next few rounds.