I live in Salem, MA which is technically in the Boston Basin ecoregion/subset of the Northeast Coastal Zone ecoregion, and these are some of the books that have been approved for me (I still haven’t chosen my last couple and will update when I do):
Geology of the Boston Basin, vol 1 by William Otis Crosby
The Physical Geography, Geology, Minerology, and Paleontology of Essex County, Massachusetts by John Henry Sears
Our Trees: A Popular Account of the Trees in the Streets and Gardens of Salem, and of the Native Trees of Essex County, Massachusetts by John Robinson
The Natural History of Eastern Massachusetts by Stan Freeman
Written in Stone by Chet Raymo and Maureen E. Raymo
Life Between the Tides: Marine Plants and Animals of the Northeast by Les Watling et al
Backyard Birdwatching in Boston (booklet)
Foraging New England by T.O.M. Seymour