I apologize I did not create a ritual map for us this time around–I’ve been dealing with a family health situation for the last few months and it has left me less time than usual.
With that said, I’d love to hear how your sky blessings went!
I did a second blessing on my mobile that I created last year and meditated on the energies of the air today. I also blessed some feathers (goose feathers from my geese) to leave as blessings in a few other areas. I meditated on the winds and the air today-- the winds of change indeed seem to be blowing.
I did something a little different this year. Instead of offering music I cleaned and blessed my hummingbird feeder. I look forward to their return every year and they have a lot of significance to me. As I sat and meditated a little, the wind picked up and a storm blew in.
Sending healing vibes
I spent the day with all the windows open and meditating out doors with the winds flowing through the trees as well as cleaning, blessing and rehanging my wind-chimes.
I blessed a wooden flute, and offered the blessing along a local estuary. Ended up in a musical conversation with some very opinionated birds. After we were done, I stumbled upon a family of deer that I’ve never encountered in that area before.