Sphere of Protection Interactive Workshop - Nov 20th - 8:30 - 10pm EST

Learning, Deepening, and Developing Your Sphere of Protection – Interactive workshop
November 20th, 8:30 – 10pm Eastern on Zoom

With Dana O’Driscoll. Grand Archdruid and Ollave Adept, AODA

**Overview: **The Sphere or Protection forms both AODA’s core daily practice as well as illustrates the seven-element system in which AODA rituals operate. In this workshop, designed for those looking to learn the Sphere of Protection or deepen their practice with the SOP, Dana will demonstrate the SOP and then walk members through each step. We will discuss various uses of the SOP beyond a daily practice, including how to use it for protection, blessing, healing, and more. Members will be encouraged to explore their own adaptations and themes in the larger SOP system. Open to all AODA members and friends of the AODA.

A few additional details about this workshop: This will be a very hands-on workshop, so we will not be recording it. However, I will make the activities from the workshop available to all AODA members.

To bring: If you are planning on attending, please bring a notebook and colored markers, pencils, or a pen. We will use these tools exploring the different elements in the SOP to help you expand and craft your own.

We are going to be walking through the SOP together, crafting and casting it as we go. You will have a chance to A) see the SOP cast from beginning to end B) doing a guided meditation to explore your personal symbolism for each of the 7 directions and C) walking through the SOP with your own step by step as a group and D) brainstorm ways that you can use the SOP more broadly as a tool.

Zoom info for the Above AODA Workshops:

Join Zoom Meeting: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Meeting ID: 451 260 8842

One tap mobile
+16469313860,4512608842# US
+19294362866,4512608842# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 646 931 3860 US
Meeting ID: 451 260 8842
Find your local number: Zoom International Dial-in Numbers - Zoom

I look forward to seeing everyone!


Hello, I’m sorry…I am new here. How do we sign up for the zoom meeting.

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Hi @jjlopez -I forgot to include the link! Edited the post above :).

Zoom info for the Above AODA Workshops:

Join Zoom Meeting: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Meeting ID: 451 260 8842

One tap mobile
+16469313860,4512608842# US
+19294362866,4512608842# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 646 931 3860 US
Meeting ID: 451 260 8842
Find your local number: Zoom International Dial-in Numbers - Zoom


I don’t see if we are supposed to sign up for the workshop, so I’ll just reply and say I’ll be there. Thank you!

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No sign-up necessary, as this isn’t an initiation. Just show up and enjoy the workshop!


Yep! See you soon :).

Bumping up, hope to see many of you there!


So bummed I missed this - signed on at 7:30 then my daughter needed help and got back at 9:30 … will there be anything I can look at online from this workshop? Thnx :blush:

So sorry I missed this! I wish there had been a reminder. Is there a replay video I can view?

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We didn’t make a video recording of this workshop because it wasn’t done with slides. Workshop dates and times are always publicized in our quarterly newsletters, then posted in an announcement here and in Discord shortly after the newsletter, then posted again early in the week of the workshop.

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Hi all,

I have written up the meditation from the workshop and will share it in our Winter Newsletter :).