Spring Equinox Sky Blessing - Inviation and Ritual Map

Hello everyone! As we approach the Spring Equinox, we will be doing our first Sky blessing ceremony. As we have recently seen with events in East Palestine, Ohio on human-caused damage, including damage to the air and pollutants, as well as continual climate instability and extreme weather, our skies of the earth can certainly use some help and blessing. That’s where we come in :).

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in our Sky blessing ritual as their AODA spring equinox ritual. For information on the ritual (including a download of a complete ritual script), please visit this link: Sky Blessing Ceremony at the Spring Equinox – Ancient Order of Druids in America

For more information on the Earth rituals as a whole, please see: Rituals for the Earth – Ancient Order of Druids in America

If you are planning on participating, you are welcome to add yourself to our ritual map! Please see the instructions below.

Link to map: AODA Spring Equinox Air Blessing - Google My Maps

To add yourself to the map:

  1. Visit the map page and make sure you are logged into Google.
  2. From there, click “Edit map”. You will see the layer "Sprign Equinox 2023”.
  3. Go to the small toolbar and click the “marker button” and then add yourself or your group and any other information you want to add.

See the graphic below for more information on how to add to the map.

We will also be having a Zoom community call in early April to share our experiences with the ritual. The call will take place on April 12th at 8:30 PM Eastern. At that call, we’ll talk about our experiences, the sequence of four rituals and our next steps for our ritual sequence in the future years.


Reading through the script, during the charging of the air object, there’s no invocation for the solar current. It’s easy enough to write one, but I wanted to point that out in case people do the ritual without noticing it.

Also, when I do this, I’m going to combine the standard spring equinox (Alban Eiler) ritual from the Druid Grove Handbook with it. I like that ritual very much and I think it’s important to continue doing it.


Thanks for catching that, Karen! I’ll update it. :).

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I’m excited for this, and I pray that I added my marker in Hagerstown correctly!

Rev. Monika Coyote

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Maybe I’m viewing the map incorrectly, but it appears the entries or the layer has been removed…?

that’s not good…definitely looks a lot different (emptier) than it did a few days ago. Maybe the layer is somewhere, or did it get deleted?

I put a marker on the map but it just has my town I was going to add me name the got worried I would mess it up so I just left Charlestown, RI there, hope that is ok.

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