Welcome to the AODA Forums

I’m a new member and just starting to figure things out. Thanks for the clarity in the Code of Conduct here. I look forward to reading posts and connecting with folks in the AODA. :blush:


Welcome to @antieuclid and @raina! I love the name “antieuclid”; how did you come up with it?

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Thank you! I’m excited to be here and connect with more like-minded people! :blush:


It started as my AIM screenname in high school. I was teaching myself non-euclidean geometry for fun, but stuck in standard geometry class because of school requirements. I still use it because it’s basically never taken and leads to fun conversations with other math nerds :slight_smile:


I’m not a math nerd but I do have some idea of what non-Euclidean geometry is. Great screenname!


Hello from Texas! Been a hedge mage for the past 10 years and on the Druidic path for about 20 years.


Hi everyone I am new to AODA, I am looking forward being part of this wonderful community!


Hello and welcome to the AODA and the forum @Nahimana

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Hello all! I’m not quite sure where to ask this, but I’ve seen people talking about their “druid name” and I don’t know what mine might be or how to find it. Do I have to have a druid name? How do I discover it, or is it just something that comes to me naturally?
Thanks for the help!


First, you don’t need to have a Druid name. I don’t have one and I’ve been a member for 12 years.

Some people already have a Druid or other spiritual name when they become a member, which they use in our spaces. Others find their Druid name as they practice: it’s given to them by nature, or they realize what it is through intuition or another means.


My birth name is Heather, and my Druid name is Druidia. I never knew this until I posted my name here, but someone told me that it was the name of a planet in a movie called “Spaceballs.” I was slightly put off by the name, but it came to me the way it was, so I just accepted that and felt that it might bring joy to those who like those old comedies. Still, my name “Heather” was just as apt for a Druid as any, so I use both names. I don’t think having a Druid name is that important unless you feel drawn to it. Most people I know don’t have a spiritual name at all. It’s down to personal preference and experience. You will know if and when it’s right for you :wink:


Hi, I’m a new member from upstate NY and thrilled to be here.


You’ll find compliance from myself, I’m here to learn and expand. I see nothing unreasonable in any of the Forum code of conduct.


Hello Astra and welcome to the AODA and the forum. :smiley:

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I was given the name Vohl once in an out of body experience where my room was filled with a bird sanctuary, one of the birds had a scroll rolled up in its legs, I unrolled it and it revealed this name, I wasn’t sure if the bird was telling me this is who I am and to remember. Iv since had my ancestral DNA results back and I was very overwhelmed to learn I am more German than I am English, and the exact map location of my dna traced to a town called Vohl in Germany, I think I need to go there at some point, maybe it will help me remember and I may experience some de-ja-vu who knows, maybe it is my Druid name!


Hi I’m Todd.
When I was younger I wanted a cool nickname but Todd works for me now. When I work with kids I may be Mr. Todd and when I bill people I’m Todd the Gardener, but Todd always works!
I’m glad to be here. I’ve been on the Druid path for a long time but it is nice to have something other than a British perspective on my beliefs. I love the idea of creating an ogham for my area and it seems like a great way to learn more about the trees around me.


Hello Todd and welcome to the AODA and the forum! Ogham is a great way to learn about local trees in your area. Plus, trees can actually help with the garden, at least for future generations :wink:

Welcome to the forum, Todd! One of these days I need to write up my local Ogham and submit it to Trilithon for the 2026 issue.

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After, wow, a couples of decades of lurking around Druidry websites like this one, I finally have taken the plunge and became a member here. Many blessings and I look forward to learning from all of you!

  • BW

Welcome to the forum!