Code of Conduct

In this AODA Forum, we hope to encourage:

  • Questions, discussion, and sharing of experiences with AODA practices, seasonal celebrations, earth path changes, and all expressions of AODA druidry. Post any questions or insights you have that would benefit from discussion of our community. If you have specific curriculum questions, please send them to
  • Resources, information, and links of interest to druids, which include but are not limited to things about the natural world, ecology, meditation, the druid revival, ritual, trees, bardic arts, divination, and much more.
  • Support and exploration of our practices of the bardic arts, ovate practices, and druidic expressions. We encourage you to share your ongoing work with us!
  • Respectful interaction that acknowledges and appreciates differences; accepting we each make our own paths.

We do not tolerate posts that are flaming, political, intolerant, or critical of difference / diversity (in belief, druidic interpretation or practice, gender, sexual identity, race, class, cultural background, disability, veteran status, or the like). Details of the initiation ceremonies or inner work of the order cannot be discussed. We also do not allow spamming. You are free to discuss and share bardic arts and crafts, but we ask that you don’t overtly market products for sale. Any posts fitting into those described in this paragraph will be removed or not approved. Repeated violations can lead to banning from our online groups.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Welcome to the AODA Forums