Prof. Ronald Hutton's forthcoming lecture series on Paganism

Professor Ronald Hutton, author of “Blood and Mistletoe: the History of the Druids in Britain” (and several other titles on our recommended reading list) has recently been appointed the Gresham College Professor of Divinity. As such, he will be giving a series of free lectures (that will also be available for video-streaming online) on the history of pagan religions in Britain. This is really exciting news, since Grasham is the oldest college in Britain (established in 1597), and this is the first time that a non-Christian has been appointed to that endowed chair of Divinity. For any interested, information about Prof. Hutton’s forthcoming lectures can be found here:


I’m catching a zoom lecture from him tomorrow, on Modern Druidry, on Eventbrite

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Could you share the link/info for tomorrow’s lecture?

There is a small fee. I signed up a long time ago, but it looks like tickets are still available. Modern Druidry - Professor Ronald Hutton - Zoom Lecture

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This is great news! Thank you for sharing. I love that we are seeing more and more colleges place non-Christians in the Schools of Divinity.


I just finished the lecture-- It was brilliant. If you get a chance to hear him speak, I would encourage you to do so. :slight_smile:

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