Starting Your AODA Group - April 23 8:30pm Eastern

Hi everyone! A lot of people have expressed interest in starting a druid group. We’ll share details and have a lot of time for Q&A about how to do so:

Starting Your Druid Group: A Workshop about Home Circles, Nemetons, and Groves in AODA
April 23rd 8:30pm EDT
With Tyler Vanice, AODA Groups Coordinator and Dana O’Driscoll, Grand Archdruid

Many AODA members prefer to work in a solitary form, while others prefer the companionship of other druids. AODA has groups that fulfill the desire to meet with like-minded druids to enhance their spiritual journey, especially in the form of events and initiations. This workshop will aid those seeking a group or starting their own AODA Home Circle, Nemeton, or Grove group to create such a community in their area. Open to all AODA members.

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Hi all! Our workshop is tonight! :slight_smile:

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There doesn’t happen to be a recording for those who were not able to attend?

Yes, we recorded it and I’ll be posting it to our Youtube channel in the next few weeks. I’ll post here once it is ready :).


Hi Dana,

Any idea when the recording will wend its merry way to the YouTube channel? I’ve got my gardener interested in the AODA and we were thinking about making it official by starting a home circle. With the solstice coming right up, it seems an auspicious time to get started. Or, are there other resources that would serve, if the recording won’t be available in that time frame?

Thanks so much!

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A link to the groups guide:

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