Hi everyone! A lot of people have expressed interest in starting a druid group. We’ll share details and have a lot of time for Q&A about how to do so:
Starting Your Druid Group: A Workshop about Home Circles, Nemetons, and Groves in AODA
April 23rd 8:30pm EDT
With Tyler Vanice, AODA Groups Coordinator and Dana O’Driscoll, Grand Archdruid
Many AODA members prefer to work in a solitary form, while others prefer the companionship of other druids. AODA has groups that fulfill the desire to meet with like-minded druids to enhance their spiritual journey, especially in the form of events and initiations. This workshop will aid those seeking a group or starting their own AODA Home Circle, Nemeton, or Grove group to create such a community in their area. Open to all AODA members.
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