AODA Discord Server

That’s odd. We don’t see you unless we dig through the directory. I’m going to “kick” you from the server. I’ll send you an invite link via private message on Discord to come back. Let’s see what happens then. I’m hoping that the kick, and return will fix whatever glitch is happening.

We have a log that tells us when people join our server, and when they leave. But none of your activity has shown up for us. We’re unsure what’s happening - but we’re working on it!

Edit: I had to send a friend request - you’ll have to accept it so I can message you.


Bizarre! But I did receive your Discord message and replied back. Hopefully, this time around works. Thanks much!

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I tried to click into the discord server. Got an error message “Invite Invalid.” Help?

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Fresh link! This one should work no problem. You’ll land in a channel, and be asked to fill out our introduction form (it’s a google form) then we give you access.


Thanks! Especially for getting back to me so quick!


The link isn’t working again. Would it be possible to get a fresh one? Thanks

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This should work. We’ve been adjusting server settings, so this link is the current link.


Thank you! Really appreciate the fast response.


I need an invite to discord server please

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Is the discord no longer or is there a new link. All links in the thread are expired

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Discord is active and still going strong with almost 500 server members. The link just above your post is a permalink. I checked to ensure it was still active, and it brought me right into the server.

If this link does not work for you. Let me know what your user name is and I’ll send you an invite through Discord. My user name lilwolf1120 so you can find me.


Hi, I’m trying to find/join the Discord server, finally, after some initial reluctance to learn a new platform, but when my folklore class moved to Discord, I jumped in. I’d like to join the AODA channel, too, now, but I can’t find it via search and even the permanent links in this thread are throwing error messages. My user name on Discord is stevenaelfcyning. Would you mind sending me an invitation?

Cheers from the woodsiest place in cyberspace. :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree:


Yep I’m happy to send you an invite. You’ll get a private message from Lilwolf with an invite tonight or as soon as I sit at my computer tomorrow!


Thanks very much! Looking forward to trying out the new-to-me environment.


Hey there you should be getting a freind request from joshwolftree on discord, that’s me! If you could shoot me a discord invite as well


Hi could someone please send me a current link to discord? Thanks


I’d like the current link for the discord as well please! Thanks.

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@bythiom @MysticBull This is the permalink invite. It should never top working. You will be asked to fill out a introduction form via google. Please make sure you do - we grant entry into the server once that shows up.

AODA members should send me a PM with their first and last name once they’re arrive so that I can update their permissions, and grant them access to the Member’s Only spaces.


The links are expired. Can someone drop a new link for me please?

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It expired, too. I am getting the same error message

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